Equivalency Details


Begin Date: 5/1/1986

End Date: 6/30/2001

Select "details" directly underneath each score to view the associated credits.

Score: 423-439

Liberal & intro:

  • 1 credit

Score: 440-451

Liberal & intro:

  • 2 credits

Score: 452-474

Liberal & intro:

  • 4 credits. GE: SS. *GE(2023): SS

Score: 475-487

Liberal & intro:

  • 5 credits. GE: SS. *GE(2023): SS

Score: 488-517

Liberal & intro:

  • 6 credits. GE: SS. *GE(2023): SS

Score: 518-531

Liberal & intro:

  • 7 credits. GE: SS. *GE(2023): SS

Score: 532-669

Liberal & intro:

  • 8 credits. GE: SS. *GE(2023): SS

Score: 670+

Liberal & intro:

  • 9 credits. GE: SS. *GE(2023): SS